Dear Artist, Musician, Representative, Fan, Family Member, Etc. Thank you for interest in submitting music for consideration by TMJ PRODUCTION.

Provide us with a link to a myspace page and/or a website that includes links to your music. This is our preferred method for listening to music, viewing images and reading bios, press releases etc. and we strongly encourage you to go this route with us. We will be able to consider your music much sooner in comparison to the next two methods. Attach no more than two mp3 files to your email and no more than one image and one bio. Your total submission can be no larger than 10mb in size, and our system will bounce your email right back to you if total file size exceeds 10mb. Please only attach mp3 files if you do not have a myspace page or website that we can visit. The email address for submitting music via either of the above methods is as follows: We aim for a 30 day turnaround between receiving music and getting back to you with our response.

  • Please do not send additional music unless you hear from a member of our team requesting that you do so.

  • Please do not call us asking if we’ve received your music, what we think of it, etc. We are not set up to handle phone inquiries.

  • Also, please do not send us any physical packages those will be immediately returned. You will hear from us that, we promise.

  • Please pardon the detailed guidelines, but we are one of the few labels that accept unsolicited material, and we find these methods enable us to stay on top of the submissions and give the music proper consideration.

We are not a publishing company and our artists write all of their own material, so please do not submit songs that you’d like our artists to consider recording or life concert.

Thanks again, and we look forward to listening to your music.
